Friday, January 19, 2007

St. Petersburg: and I though Moscow was bad

Well kids I am now writing to you from St. Petersburg, an architectural stunning cess-pool of urban life. How's that for a description. I am going to be brief with this entry and get to the point of my firstimpressions of a night at the theater in st. petersburg.

A very unattractive naked man (who had the smallest *cough* , to be polite and un- offensive ((a definate first for me but as there is a distinct possiblity of the parental seeing this)) manhood I have ever seen and believe me, with the number of figure drawing classes have taken I have quite a bit to compare it to) reciting or screaming as it may be a monologue whilst excuting a headstand.

Now there's a sight you don't see ever day...but as I have said before and most likely will say again ...only in Russia.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Moscow: Signing off and in good health..........thank God.

Well kids this might be my last blog/update for awhile. I am moving on to greener pastures....that is a different muddy godforsaken hellhole that promises to be a little bit nicer than Moscow...its called Novograd. So with many happy regards I leave Moscow not only delighted to be taken a night train, but loaded down with gifts and slightly more dingy clothes than when I arrived. I will miss that bitchie waitress at the Koffee house, I will mourn seeing the sad little parks with no children. But who knows maybe I will yet find an even more sketchie place to contemplate, mock, and discuss in the most auspicious place..(ha forget myspace, bunch of uppity bastards). Well its time for class now so I must bid you adieu.

May the angels sing thee to thy rest and all of that bullshit. Until next time.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Moscow: Taking out the laundry.

Went shopping the other day at the biggest flea market in know, souvenirs for the Fam. and all. Interestingly enough this market is run by the mob. Thats right guys: you are getting Mob souvenirs! woo hoo. Anyway i found out that this flea market burned down a couple of years ago after to rival mob guys got into a turf war. One of them decided that the only way to stop the other guy from taking control of the area was to set fire and destroy the flea market. Then it wouldn't be worth fighting over. Gee ...what a stellar solution. Its baffling why more people don't solve their problems that way. Have a bad hair cut...burn down the salon. Prof gives you a bad grade...burn down their office. I am telling you Pyro-mania is in.