Saturday, June 12, 2010

Elvis has left the building....

Hello Folks!

Well its been a very long time since I have had anything substantial to say on this blog (hense the fluff about Bruce Campbell - not really noteworthy but hey at least I was keeping my hand in so to speak).

This entry kicks off my new series following my delightful little trek across Spain more formally known as El Camino de Santiago de Compostela.

My adventure began on June 8th as I left New York Harbor on the Queen Mary 2 - the largest ocean liner in the world. Its just a bit luxerious - and not at all what I am used to- However I will savor this time in which the staff refers to me as Madame.

This entry will have to be brief as internet costs about 75 cents a minutes and I am shamefully using Erika's purchased package as we speak.

Susan's list of top 10 best things about sailing on the Queen Mary 2

1. Pub Trivia

2. The ship library- excellent collection

3. A delicious drink called the Tower guard

4. Our interesting dinner table who seems to have adotped us.

5. um.. gourmet food anyone? its all about presentation and yes I would love some freshly ground pepper on my souffle

6. HOT HOT HOT staff men

7. Abba night in the ships dance club

8. Banana's foster

9. Smoking Cigars in the Winston Churchhill room.

10. Not having a schedule to adhere to each day-

Susan's list of things that she has learned whilst on the Queen Mary 2.

1. I am not a gambler- I shall never again attempt to play slot machine- DAMN the blinking lights and their sirens song.

2. Bingo- No matter how focused you are- chances are some 80 year old in chanel will win two seconds before you could have.

3. It doesn't matter if you want to get up at 7 a.m. you will still sleep in till 9

4. Our captin can make the weather be drolly interesting .. in a very meandering british way. Apparently there is a type of plankton that makes the water brown in california.... yeah I didn't know that either.

5. Given enough incentive- very tricky those cocktails- I can be turned into a dancing Queen on Abba Night in the dance club.

6. even in international waters unfortunately brits cannot make a decent cup of Java.

7. How to balance in high heels in a formal dress while walking down the stairs which are moving due to the fact we are on a ship.

8. Even the Amish can rock the Queen Mary 2 in style.

9. No one likes ice except americans so don't expect to find an ice machine anywhere

10. The sight of two women smoking cigars is apparently an sight seeing atttraction great enough for photo opps....yes we rocked our 15 minutes of fame.

Until next time- and no i can't tell you when that going to be - We are 800 miles to South Hampton and my next stop is Dover- so who knows.