Monday, June 14, 2010

Well at least we didn't sink.....

Good news folks!

I and sister dear made it to South Hampton in good spirits and good health. The last seven days have been spent losing at pub trivia- getting schooled at bingo- and getting lost on the ship. But all that is in the past.The first leg of our epic summer has been completed....and now it gets a bit dodgy....(i probably didn't spell that right but as many past readers of this fine bit of literature already know and the newbies are to find out....this blog is a cornicopia (cornucopia?) of spelling and grammatical errors....Good news for me- I don't care - bad news for you ..some people may find it annoying. My advice is to work through your trivial issues now.... a calm acceptance that life and myself (i know shockingly enough) are not perfect will save your blood pressure and reduce the appearance of nasty forehead lines. But I digress....)

The real question becomes where do I go from here? Sister is on her way to Germany - and hopefully rocking the UK as only a former Kamholz can. I am now by myself- woot woot. However this is always a recipe for mass travel chaos.

My morning went as follows

3 am - Wake up with slight wine headache. (dude don't judge last night on boat and we had to toast my birthday...WE HAD TO ..)
3:01 - realization that it is only 3 and I don't actually have to be up for two more hours.
3:02- commence mental battle of the should i go back to bed or should i shower.
3:04- ......

---- due to unnecessary dotting time line has been cut to 3:30-----

3:30- ....
3:31- a decision to shower has been made. Cue tripping over back pack, erika's suitcase, running into small tv. opening up closet door by accident and realizing that the bathroom door is on the right side not the left- run into bathroom door instead of opening it.
5:30- duly showered - have choraled erika to the point in which we are ready to partake of breakfast.
5:45- hmm....eggs.
6:00- Yeah the Harbor! Yeah the Tug boats! Yeah LAAAANNNNNND!
7:00- pickup backpack and depart from Erika.
7:05 check out of ship
7:06- realize that mp3 player has been left in stateroom and due to protocol there is no way i can go back for it. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN.
7:07- decision that it doesn't matter is reached ...LIAR.
7:08- walk out of terminal only to realize that A) there is no currency exchange within a mile of the terminal B)I have no currency for the country I am currently in and C) Buses and Taxies like currency that they can actually spend. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN.
7:10- start the walk towards the city center...because I can't afford the flippin' bus
7:11- whilst asking kindly Scottish woman the direction of the train station and/or nearest currency exchange- the traveling gods that be smiled kindly upon me and spoketh unto the woman to bestow the great sum of 1.5 quid for bus fare upon my empty palm- Huzzah!
7:40- sitting outside currency exchange waiting for it to open.
8:15 - realize stupid susan ...use the free ATM right next to her instead of the currency exchange.
8:30- walk to train station
8:40 pick up train to Portsmouth successfully and strangely without any major problems.
9:00 - Get off train which conveniently stops at the harbor.
9:05- find a cabby right away who can take me directly to where my ferry is! for the low price of five pounds.
9:15... At terminal....and where my ferry 8:30 PM....hours from now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that you are still waiting for the ferry, even tho it is 10:24 here in C-burg. I'm also guessing that you have managed to entertain the natives in some way so that the time is just flying by. Yeah, right!

Nicole and Patrick had things under control this a.m. at the Java House. C-burg is starting to hum with the anticipation of Straw berry Festival. The artists are begining to arrive for the Plein Air (sp?). Looking forward to upcoming posts.

Mike...of Mike and JoAnn....aka....Bianca of Bianca and Cinnamon

6/14/2010 4:30 PM  
Blogger lindo said...


6/15/2010 5:37 AM  

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