Friday, October 17, 2008

A New Career in a New Town

or maybe just the same career in a re-established residence. That's right folks- here is my official announcement

Italy is off.

and no i don't want to talk about it- because otherwise you are going to get a three page rant of the internal bitterness that is eating away my wearied soul.

So moving on.

on to the next question that needs to be put to rest.....

what am i going to do now? (not that its anyone's goddamn business but i would never hear the end of it .....)


1) Move out of forced residency at parental habitat. This is an important and key aspect to climbing the ladder of success-as matricide and fratricide are generally frowned upon by most employers.

UPDATE - apartment secured. Now will be living above art gallery. brief- do a little dance, make a little love, get down *cough*

2) Secure companionship. This is also (as everyone and their mother keeps telling me) is another extremely important step in being a "successful human being"....personally i think this is bullshit but whatever- will be on lookout for willing "man" to ensnare with my feminine wiles.

UPDATE- have secured companionship with three different guys....of course they come in the form of a parakeet named Sgt. Pepper., a fish named Mr. Fernando, and a dying plant named Harold Le Fleur. So not exactly the romance of the century or as kinky as many would like but they doesn't talk much and are very cheap dates.

3) Fight way up corporate ladder and demand pay raise.......MoneyMoneyMoney Monnnnney ...MONEY.

UPDATE- have came, sought, and conquered pay living the high life at job number three (that would be the day care for people who are not keeping track) raking in a tremendous $7.50 an hour instead of the measly 7.00 of last fiscal year.....look out wall street.

4) Become fashion template.....

UPDATE- application to "What not to Wear" still pending (thus far have been nominated by four people and counting......don't hate me because i am beautiful....)

5) Become fashionably slender because ...well....its the "in thing to do"

UPDATE- this doughnut is delicious.....hmm......frossssttttinnnnnnggggg.


Blogger JHA said...

Mmmm, donuts.... Screw becoming fashionably slender, donuts are the way to go. (Because when you're thin, you're hungry and when you have donuts, you're not.)

10/20/2008 2:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

John Henry informed me you were no longer going to Italy, which saddens me (but I agree with your sister: you're not a failure, and the fact that this program turned out to be dis-organized and ghetto is in no way your fault).

I also agree with Erika on the following point: you should TOTALLY apply for a Fulbright, I can't believe none of us ever thought of this before. You'd be the perfect candidate. They love people with strong interests in areas outside academia (i.e., the arts), and you'd have a compelling reason to need to go to a country like Italy.

Anyway, this just means I can call you domestically for a little while longer (that is, unless you've not yet located your phone). And while I find it hilarious that four people have nominated you for What Not to Wear, I don't think you're as incorrigible and horribly dressed as the people who normally appear. I would support your nomination only for the free shopping spree involved.

Of course, should you ever run into the funds for a shopping spree of your own, you know which East Coast fashion guru to call.

10/28/2008 7:52 PM  

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