Friday, July 07, 2006

Myspace: hidden refuge for pathetic excuses of humanity...

Wow...not even a month has gone by and I am actually writing something. Could this be the sign of desperate summer attempts at keeping busy? ....Maybe. Not much is happening around here. However, to be all excitingly grammatical- I got me some art gig there on Aug. 12 woot- ...English majors cringe and cower before my butchering of the English language. Anyway I digress.

If you are like me and are looking for something entertaining and pointless to do with all the excess time that summer brings- I have found an unexpected goldmine of entertainment- that is looking up the crazy live journals of friend's boyfriends' ex-girlfriends on myspace (yeah try saying that three times real fast). Seriously if you feel the blues coming on- there is nothing like reading the meanderings of whiney blubbering fuck-ups to instantly perk up your ego. Not only is it tremendously uplifting to know that you are nowhere near the level of sheer patheticness of these poor saps but myspace also provides an endless supply of comical literature to pass downtime hours before doing whatever it is socially capable people do.

Take for example this exert from one such journal penned by the psychotic ex-girlfriend of my dear friend and fellow- there is jack shit to do in west bend so I will probably end up at the local walmart looking through the discounted DVD bin- colleague's new boyfriend. I have taken the liberty of removing the names so I won't get my ass sued by the self-involved hopeless co-dependent wench who wrote this little gem

And I quote:

"I saw a psychic after **** left me. She said I wouldn't really have anyone until the age of 34. Then I would meet my soul mate. Life is going to be very lonely until then. I don't want this. Just saying, that's all." you see what I mean? Lets look at another entry shall we....

" I feel in my heart that *** and I truly loved each other. I felt butterflies every time I heard his voice. He never knew that, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore, not for the moment.... I wonder if *** felt butterflies for me. I wonder sometimes if the fear he feels I misplaced. Like maybe his misreading the fear he feels. I want to think that he feels afraid because its a huge commitment to someone who asks a lot more of him than anyone else ever has. I don't think he was ready. But it's utter bullshit that he's afraid of me. He outweighs me by a good 60 + pounds, has like 6 inches on me. And beyond that, I love him and would never want to hurt him. I have never done anyworse to him than Ally in the Notebook did to Noah. I wish he would watch that movie. I think that if he did, that maybe, just maybe he would see what I saw, which was basically our love story with just a few new twists and turns thrown in. I wonder if he's falling in love with **** his new girlfriend. But that just makes me hyperventilate. So I console myself with the idea that **** and I loved eachother, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and some people can never say that. At least I can."

Please excuse the me while I vomit all over my 60 dollar jeans that I bought on clearance for 12.99

Now some of you reading this may think that this post is mean. First- I could care less of what you think, kiss my ass. Second- this was taken from a LIVE journal ...meaning that this person wants to broadcast such emotional garbage to the world...I am just helping her along.

Word to the wise if you write on any sort of live journal--if you don't want to be severely mocked by your peers don't write this type of shit. This is asking for somebody to hijack your account and destroy it for the sake of humanity.