Monday, May 07, 2012

And now a infinity and beyond

It has been two years since I have published a blog. Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I made is home if not a bit deflated from the events that took place summer 2010. I spent most of fall 2010 reverting back old insecurities. Should I be in the field I am in, why wasn't I am able to accomplish my goals I had set for myself- oh yes the self-pity flowed freely through my veins. However, I feel as if this descent into self-loathing was needed. Call it a three month pity party- it was needed for what happened December of 2011- when I was approached to open my own studio with a collection of artists. It was a profound moment for me as I looked back over 2010 and realized I needed something to put energy towards- because, and not for the first time since I had graduated in 2007, I was uncertain as to my pathway.  But enough of the dramatics because i went ahead and joined...and let me tell you-

it is KICK ASS.

I have been more creative and have received more opportunities than I ever could have imagined. I have moved forward with successes not only in my career but in my personal life as well- thanks to the people who have never given up on me, despite some of my less than flattering personality traits. I owe alot of karma to a lot of people.

So moving forward. Dude bar. It is time to look to new ventures that will serve as a further catalyst to my studio....and bar. Doorways have opened, and if everything goes well,  come 2013 I will be typing from a seat in my own establishment instead of pirating the wireless at the java house. And so I propose a toast:

To the Past
May we not forget mistakes
let us learn from them least they be repeated

To the Present
May we be firm in our decisions and walk through open doors and take those chances
despite our failures, our fears and our doubts

To the Future
May it be bright, rewarding and above all a challenge
Let us rise to that challenge...because we can only try.




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