Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fuite la France: Partie Trois

I arrived in Paris around 8:40 the morning of the 18th. I had spent the last two hours dozing and waking up in a cold sweat thinking someone had stolen my camera case which contained the remainder of my money....I would not be able to receive anymore now until I obtained my passport. I had left the consulate post and their safety net, they would not be able to help me connivance the Paris wire transfers to give me anything with just a passport scan. I had to get that passport today. If it meant hysterics, sobbing and begging so be it. Unfortunately the possibility was still open that I would not qualify for an emergency passport- I had nothing to prove I was leaving the country in under to weeks.

Stepping off of the train I was engulfed in Paris rush hour. I was overwhelmed by the enormous train station, its crowd- and completely lost. The consulate woman said the embassy was easy to find - that it was a straight shot..... but out of which exit. I had no idea. I had never been this far into the city before and definitely not alone. Gritting my teeth I walked around the entire exterior of the station hoping that I would see an American flag somewhere- anything representing a United States presence. Nothing. I as going to have to ask for directions- and I knew the minute I opened my mouth I would be pegged as the obvious foreigner that i was. 6 people later who claimed they spoke no English... the sick feeling returned. Fine I as much as I hated to waste what little money I had...I would take a taxi.

4 taxis later...none of them new what I where I wanted to be taken. I unfortunately was not in the presence of mind to look up the word "embassy" in the mini french dictionary I had in my backpack. Finally I walked into the very glamorous looking hotel just across the street from the station. Going up to the concierge- I pleaded with him to look up and write down the address of the embassy...something I should have done prior to leaving the post in Bordeaux. Looking extremely annoyed, he begrudging did as I asked. ( In truth I think he didn't want to deal with a hysterical female, as once again I was near tears with frustration).

Taking the little slip of paper to the nearest taxi- I found myself speeding along with Paris traffic and 20 minutes later in front of the U.S embassy. Thank god- I had made it. It was all going to be ok.

Walking up to the officials at the gate I explained what I was doing there...the guard looked on the list and yes my name was indeed there. All right, so good so far. He filled out a yellow form that said UNITED STATES CITIZEN IN EMERGENCY SITUATION at the top. Ok good - they get I am in trouble. This is all very good. FINALLY.

He then pointed down the street- and said I had to drop off my things at number 18. ok. right ok down the street I walked to a large enclosed parking lot where I was handed a list of forms and searched. I was not allowed to take anything into the embassy for security reasons. Fine, whatever at least they would be locked up. Double checking that I had all my papers- from the handwritten numbers that I had taken down at st. jean- to the mass of paperwork from Bordeaux to the forms I had prepped for the day. Check, check ,check.

Back down the street I went to the original guard..glancing down at the paper that he, himself filled out he looked to see if my name was on the list...duh. Shockingly enough, it was.

Cool it Susan- stress brings out the worst in you. Don't piss anyone off here.

Through the gate i went, to another security point where I had to remove my watch and everything from my pockets...security reasons. Ok fine whatever. At this point I would rather be safe than sorry. Onward I went. ....To a couple of giggling women who appeared to be a few years younger than me. They had to be interns. One of them handed me a number and went on chatting with her friend..Um..ok.

Breaking into their conversation i curtly asked where exactly I was supposed to go or do with this number-

oh what are you here for - one of them asked-

My passport was stolen- oh they gave me the WRONG type of number. Handing me a new number they gestured to the doorway to the right. Cool necklaces one of the remarked as I walked by. Really ....awesome. Apparently the U.S. Paris embassy has been recruiting from Orange County. Ok now I was starting to get bitchy. Reel in the sarcasm a bit.

Through the door on the right I walked transported to what appeared a modernized version of Ellis Island. Over 70 percent of the crowded room was talking in a language other than English. Visas...I was in the same waiting room as those applying for visas. Well- that shouldn't be a problem as long as I can talk to somebody about my situation. Taking a seat I glanced around the room. Each wall contained 5-6 windows with full sheets of glass conversing them and little phones next to the window. Above each window was an electronic box flashing a ready number. Over a loud speaker numbers were methodically read off directing the holder to an assigned window....My number was C817....and we were somewhere between C 801 and B450. ....

I waited nervously organizing my papers- carefully paging through each one to make sure everything was in order for when my number would be called. An hour later the loudspeaker directed my number to station 16 .....Walking quickly up to window I picked up the phone.

What can I do for you a bored woman asked from behind the glass.

Uh...my passport was stolen? This was not what I expected at all. I had pictured a sit down with a consulate member much like Bordeaux. Why didn't they know who I was- the post had called ahead- my mother was supposed to fax my birth certificate- she said she had spoken on the phone with them... Why didn't they know who i was.. apparently they did, to them I was C 817......

Copy of Passport? Quickly I shoved the paper through the little slot at the bottom of the window. Form for New Passport? I flipped through my paperwork to find the sheets that the post in Bordeaux had helped me to fill out. Through the little slot it went.
Pictures?....pictures? Well the post said that the embassy would take care of that when I got there...
No pictures? Go get some, get a new number and get back in line........

WHAT! I didn't even know where to go for that - was I going to have to leave the embassy.

No- downstairs and take a right, there is a little booth. Make sure the pictures are good or we won't accept them. They cost 4 euro each.

Fine fine fine FINE....grabbing the paperwork the woman had shoved back through the slot I raced downstairs to the little photo machine.... Scanning the directions (Which were all in french) I quickly shoved the money into the slot and took the damn photos....8 euro poorer. I ran back up the stairs to the left where Orange County's Best were still chatting. One of them handed me a number which I quickly handed back reminding them I was here for a new passport I need one with a C not a B..- I grabbed my new number and went back to the chairs. C 820 not bad....

one hour later- My number was called. Back to window 16.

What can I do for you asked the woman behind the glass....


I handed her the required paperwork this time including the photos.

What happened to your old passport she asked.


Do you have a form for stolen passport?

Uh I have this police report stating it was stolen.

No, so you have the form for stolen passports?

NO why would I have one- nobody told me I needed one- I have been talking to consulate members for the last two days- I have been at this window before and NOBODY told me I needed this form. I don't even know where I should get this form.

Back came the paper work, along with it a new sheet. Fill this out, get a new number and get back in line.


NO how about I fill this form out right here and you start processing my new passport.
She looked at me for a moment shrugged and said alright.

Huh...ok then. The form basically was the police report all over again. Where was it stolen? What were you doing at the time? What all was stolen? Have you made an attempt to recover it? YES YES YES ..Just GIVE ME MY PASSPORT.

Secondary identification? Um..No it was stolen too. Confused look from her end.

Look my mother has been calling this embassy- She was going to send money because I don't even think I have enough to pay for the damn passport at this point.

One second she says. Fine sure I just wait here because after all I HAVE NO WHERE TO GO.

Five minutes later she returned with another lady. Susan she asks. Um yes that would be me. I spoke to your mother this morning- the woman said -Great.- She says you should have enough money to pay for the new passport and that she wants to talk to you after you get it. -Awesome- I will connect you to her after you do this. Pay at window 20 and have a seat your passport should be ready in about 30 minutes. Ok, fine.

Over to window 20 I went- 100 euro and change later- I was down to 50 euro. Back to the chairs. 30 minutes later I was called to window 18. This time a very bored gentlemen asks me to swear that all the passport information is correct so help you God. Yes GOD HELP ME ITS CORRECT . over comes the passport. Ok the man says you can go now. uh....wait. I said -I don't have any money, I have no where to go, I was robbed! What about connecting me with my mother? I ask. Um and who told you this the man snidely said.

Who told me that.....she never gave me a name.

Uh, a woman behind window 16? I replied weakly.

Well he laughed unless you can give me more information than that I can't help you.

Please I beg I don't know her name but my mother called this morning....

And who are you, I don't know who you are- he interrupted.

Um..looking down at my passport, I'm Susan Kamholz. He just sat there in smirked. Screw this- walking over to window 16 I cut in line and Following me behind the glass the man was not amused. Looking at the woman behind window 16 I asked her to go get the other woman who I had talked to earlier- startled she did what I asked. Now the man looked angry- and pulled the woman aside-

oh yeah I was screwing this up.......

The commotion behind the glass windows must have caught the attention of the other woman because over she came- oh she said looking at me- do you want to talk to your mother? YES.

And who is she- the man snapped-

oh her mother is wiring her money and needs to talk to her, the woman replied.

Well why did she say so- he spat. UH i am pretty sure I did mention something to that effect. Perhaps I was not articulate enough.

Go to window 19.

ok ...window 19. There is no window 19. There is a door with 19 over it. Do I wait for my number to be called? Do I go through the door and risk getting in trouble? I stood there completely at a loss of what to do....five minutes later my name was being broadcasted over the loud speak to go to window 19. Ok that must mean to go through the door. Opening the door I walked into a small room with a glass window and a phone. A different man behind the window asked for the phone number i wanted to call- ....my mind went blank...what was my home phone number- oh god I was so stressed out I couldn't remember the numbers....breathe. Taking the piece he slipped through the little slot i jotted down the first number that came to mind and slipped it back.... and was quickly handed it back. This isn't a number I can dial that man snapped out. Looking down I realized I had written all the numbers backwards...they weren't even in the right order. Ok I had to calm down. Breathe Breathe Breathe.

Final the right sequence came to me - and I slipped the paper back to him. One moment.

Finally the phone on my side of the room rang. Picking it up I tentatively said mom? and through the phone came her voice. It was my breaking point.

The tears that had been threatening all day long came streaming down my face and I could barely talk. I have my passport I managed to say. I am done. I want to come home. The dream of the Camino had been chipped away at little by little until it wasn't anything to chip at anymore. I didn't care about how long I had planned this, about all the work and planning, and people supporting me. I wanted the hell out of France. I wanted to see familiar faces. I wanted to hear my own language. I did not want to be alone anymore. I wanted to go home.

Wait- my mother said. Just take a deep breathe. If you come home now you will regret it.

I don't care get me out of here.

Wait- my mother said. Just breathe. It will be ok. If you come home now you will lose that confidence in yourself. I know you don't want to be alone anymore. You have options. If the Camino is out go to Erika. Go to Germany.

Breathe Breathe Breathe. Ok Ok Ok.

I don't care - just get me out of France. Alright.

First though I needed money. I had the passport but no funds to do anything constructive. Unfortunately mom would not be able to send money for another 4 hours because it was too early for the Western Union to be open in the States. 4 hours...I had to wait 4 hours to get money. I had 50 euro.....it will be ok I can wait 4 hours. The nearest Western Union was within walking distance. What I was going to do with myself until then was a mystery. The people at the embassy made it abundantly clear that they did not want me hanging around now that my business was concluded and they really could care less what my problems were- they were already plugged back into the machine that was spewing out passports and visa's in an efficient and impersonal manner. They had moved on. ok. I would wait.

Hanging up with mom - we agreed I would wait for the money at the Western Union and think about my options. I would make the decision after I had received the money. Walking up the street to the Western Union- I realized several things-

A) It was going to be a very long four hours.
B) I had no way to get a transfer number.
C) I was afraid to spend any money on food because I was paranoid that the transfer wouldn't work
D) none of the cafe owners wanted me or my backpack around their business. Not that I could afford to spend the money to patron them anyway.

For an hour and half I wandered up and down the street. The small walk ways were crowded with a mixture of tourists, homeless, and what looked to be gypsies. I was on edge- fearing that I would be pick pocketed. I couldn't afford that- financially nor mentally. My back ached and the effects of sleepless nights were starting to set in. I leaned against a pillar and closed my eyes. Yes I was truly in hell.

...but in the midst of all this I retained some iota of myself.


My temper soared to the surface breaking through my pathetic pity party.


With a new found energy I briskly walked over to the nearest taxi determined to make them take me where I wanted to go. I had 50 euro to work with- and damn-it, I was going to make that money work for me.

Throwing my backpack into the seat- I curtly said "Paris airport- si vous plait-" And as I probably looked rather deranged at that point, the cab driver didn't argue. I had a destination- and come hell or high water (I had experience them both in the last 48 hours) I was going to get the hell out of dodge.


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