Thursday, March 13, 2008

Well behold the wonders of spring. The air has turned warmer, the birds are chirping, the sky is sunny and bright...and the shrieking of little children's voices are heard invoking blissful annoying migraines in the ear of even the softest of hearts.

I have a love hate relationship with spring.

I have had a few complaints lately that I don't blog enough.

Hmmm....strange that

A). I am getting comments from people who are anonymous
B) and the comments aren't hate mail.

well the truth of the matter is this....

are we all listening......

The reason I haven't been blogging as much as in the past is.......

are we all ready

my life is extremely boring at the moment. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO BE WITTY WHEN YOU HAVE ABSOLUTE SHIT MATERIAL TO WORK WITH. How many blogs can i actually write about making coffee....or dealing with annoying mequon moms. Not many i can tell you that. Thanks you oh anonymous commenter of pointing out the futility of my life at the moment. well screw you, your mom and your future children. I am going to go and eat a quart of ice cream now, walllow in self-pity and despair, gain ten pounds, and then develope some eating disorder thus ruining my life. did that.....with your snide little digs.

shame on you.....shammmmmmeeeeee.