Sunday, January 14, 2007

Moscow: Taking out the laundry.

Went shopping the other day at the biggest flea market in know, souvenirs for the Fam. and all. Interestingly enough this market is run by the mob. Thats right guys: you are getting Mob souvenirs! woo hoo. Anyway i found out that this flea market burned down a couple of years ago after to rival mob guys got into a turf war. One of them decided that the only way to stop the other guy from taking control of the area was to set fire and destroy the flea market. Then it wouldn't be worth fighting over. Gee ...what a stellar solution. Its baffling why more people don't solve their problems that way. Have a bad hair cut...burn down the salon. Prof gives you a bad grade...burn down their office. I am telling you Pyro-mania is in.


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