Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Well I haven't posted for awhile, so what the hell, why not give an update. Life has been rather dramatic this semester so I am not even going to get into that, I will just give you three words-broken, shotgun, and Hawaii. Ha ..You're not getting anymore details. Moving on.

I haven't had the time to rant much this semester due to the whole "real world t-minus 5 months". Woot, about damn time. However this doesn't mean I have been picture of tranquility. No ...The bitter ranting has been stewing inside of me for quite sometime. If I posted for every time I had to rant about something I would have a novel equivalent to Moby Dick ...So I am just going to make a brief list of things that have pissed me off this semester.

Top 10 things that pissed Susan off in the last three months:

10. Norwegian Sweaters: articles of clothing that are about as ugly and cliche as the people who wear them. Strange how the ownership of a Norwegian sweater tends to coincide with being a pretentious rich asshole who thinks they can cut in line at the cafeteria, knocking over a perfectly good cup coffee all over the meal of an innocent bystander who has been waiting in line for nutritional goodness for over 20 minutes because of fucking Christmas fest weekend.

9. American Studies: I could care less about delving into the cultural reasons of why I opt to buy the All day cup of coffee deal for $1.25 instead of a single cup for $0.85. Spending an hour and half each Tuesday and Thursday analyzing trivial bullshit is a waste of time and energy as well as tuition. The progress paradox can kiss my ass.

8. Unprofessional employers who create "NOT OK" lists about behaviors that only happen to apply to them: how about you add don't scream at each other when there are customs in front of you- this is probably "NOT OK" for the buisness.

7. People who are planning weddings: I don't care what the damn menu is going to be or if you are releasing butterfly's after your vows. Go show your rock to someone who gives two shits. I have better things to do with my time.

6. United Airways: their service sucks, their overpriced food sucks, and the little radios built into the seats never work.

5. Traveling in large groups of Tourists

4. High schoolers, need i say more.

3. the extemely loud people who indulge in fornication in the room directly about pod 213E: if you are going to shag like rabbits please adhere to the following conditions: Anchor the damn bed so it does rhythmically hit the wall- I don't want to know the beat of "your drums". Stuff a sock in your mouth- the so called sweet music is not appreciated by everyone within a ten mile radius. Don't perform during the dinner hour- it ruins my appetite.

2 Minnesota in December: why do I live here again.

1. The St. Olaf Bookstore: capitalist bastards... I just paid 6 dollars for toothbrush because I was desperate.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan, you never cease to amaze me with the virulence of your anger. Nice. Very nice. You make Bowman 205 (the dungeon populated with poor, starving History graduate students) smile.

12/06/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Susan, I adore you, this makes me miss you soooooo much haha. I loved it when we could share rants on a daily basis--because, invariably, we'd both have reason to rant on a daily basis.

Merrrrry Christmas to you too!

1/03/2007 4:42 AM  

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