Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fuck college professors and their group projects, they don't do shit

So I haven't posted for the entire month of march, so sorry to my budding fan club of 2. Here I am sitting at Concordia university Mequon (visiting Amelia surprise surprise) and I am wondering where did the hell did March go. I tell you where - 3 group projects that consumed my life because I am surrounded by idiots. Its a sad fact that college is becoming a haven for many people who plan to do nothing with their degrees except become professional drinkers of below average beer. Not even good beer, we are talking blue ribbon here. Pathetic. And as a reward for all of us "good" students we get stuck in the crossfires of the exciting educational technique of the group project. Is there a reason for creating more stress for us career oriented hopefuls? Apparently there is and this is straight from the mouth of academia. The reason for group projects in college is to foster an understanding what it is to be part of a team. Uh even though most careers offer oh i don't know interviews.....Promotions....A chain of command....Lists of credentials...Etc, randomly assigning me with a group of freshman boys who have no idea what they want to major in let alone enter the career field, who have the writing skills of your average first grader- is going to foster positive "teamwork skills". Wonderful. Well as they say there is no "I" in teamwork. However the words "Stupid punk ass posers who can't even manage to show up for class in 4 weeks, group meetings, intervention with the professor meetings, and you are about to get kicked out of class if you don't get your ass into that prof's office now meetings" are not found in the word teamwork either. The result I get stuck with a lot more stress and work than if i was doing the damn thing by myself. You future college profs out there- you can take any planned "teamwork" foster projects and stick them right up your ass.


Blogger Unknown said...

Aww! I too have become disenchanted with undergraduate school, though thankfully have not been subjected to the same caliber of lovely "group projects" that you have.

I heart you!! GOOD STUDENTS UNITE, F%@! THE IDIOT MASSES. :) (That *is* what the CMRS was for, after all!)

3/31/2006 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm really sorry for you, Susan.

4/01/2006 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace, Susan. Find the happy spot within, where psychotic little gremlins run free, unfettered by irritating professors, and where strong coffee pours in great glistening floods of pure caffeinated goodness.


4/01/2006 10:34 PM  
Blogger farfromgruntled said...

group projects are nearly always sucky. i think it is one of the many reasons why i love being an english major. group papers? as a hopeful future professor, i vow to resist the i didn't feel like teaching you so instead i am going to have group presentations for half the classes urge.

in other thoughts, good call on the strong coffee, john.

4/03/2006 8:19 PM  

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