Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Public Safety : rebirth of the Gestapo....

Yeah I have to admit I thought I could get away with it, I thought gee what is a couple of days. Apparently it is a 25$ parking ticket issued by the defenders of peace and justice on St. Olaf Campus. Faster than an intoxicated student, able to run through leap over small rocks, Our protectors, Public safety (who I think were rejected from your average cop school), have taken it upon them selves to ticket every evil doer (like visiting siblings) who dares defies the unspoken rule of NO PARKING ANYWHERE ANYTIME UNLESS YOU HAVE PAID AN OUTRAGEOUS SUM WHICH IS PROBABLY BEING USED TO FUND THE PUBLIC SAFETY PIZZA FUND. These people are the top of their field, riding around in complementary little red jeeps....Busting 21 years olds for the dry campus policy and chasing down litterers. Now you would think that perhaps these people would be trying to stop the increased amount of campus burglaries. But no. They are too busy writing parking tickets. After my mp3 player was hijacked by some snot-nosed thief outside the cafeteria, I visited the head of public safety to demand action. They are after all the campus police. I requested a security camera outside of the cafeteria...They sent me to the cafeteria , who sent me to the administration, who sent me to student government, who sent me back to public safety...Who then told me it is not feasible with their budget right now. Ok..Fine how about you fire one of those worthless jackasses who ride around in their little red jeeps and do nothing but issue parking tickets to cars that are sitting in lots completely devoid of cars...He said maybe next year. Well..Here I sit two years later..No security camera and thefts are increasing outside the cafe. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!..Apparently writing a ticket outside of my car.......


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