Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"In the end we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" - Martin Luther King Jr.

Up until now, I have remained light-hearted in most of my entries. Nothing is worse than reading about the depths of despair. After-all that's what those little paper journals that you hid between the mattresses are for, not online journals. Private thoughts should remain private. However just this once I am going to remain on a serious note.

Over the last year I as well as people I know have lost people close to them. Friends, and family. Its something one must face as Death is a part of life.

So why so philosophical? This morning I received a phone call that Mrs. Jody Waldhart, a person who helped me get through high school and one of my role models past away last night. She and her husband were hit by someone running a stop sign. This woman was part of a group of three women I fondly refer to as "the Librarians". These people took time away from their personal responsibilities, to talk to me. Little conversations that whether about Art, Music or books showed me that there was life beyond high school and beyond the words of my peers. My "Librarians" were there when I needed them the most. And now one of them is gone. Its surreal, not even three weeks ago I talked to her. I was so excited to give her the pin I got her in Oxford from a really big Library. Yes, I still need those little conversations, even outside of High School. My "fix" so to speak.

I will miss her very much. She was a wonderful, caring person who showed interest in her students.... Even those socially awkward kids who hung out in the library. It is very hard to think that she won't be in that library. However, one must continue on and use these positive memories as a spring board to do the same in one's own life. Her lessons were a gift, and nothing would damage such a gift more than to use their death as an excuse to self-destruct, or hurt to others. It is not only cowardly, it degrades these memories.

On this note I really have just one more thing to say. Never take those you care about for granted. Each moment with them should be treasured. Nobody knows what is in store for them in life or how much time they have to live that life. So live to the fullest. Love, Care, and Keep each moment as if it were the last. However, with this advice it is important not to fear Death, just understand that it is there.

with much love,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Susan. Amen.

1/13/2006 12:07 AM  

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