Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bored...So very bored....I hate education.....

Well time for an update I think. In preparation for psychology next semester lets do some word association shall we.....

Home : Family .......From this association and judging from my last entry it is safe to say that i am definitely back at home hanging out with the fam....Good times...One word Scatigories...A brutal brutal game.....

room : messy.....Here we find the bane of my pysche at the moment, somehow I managed to lose 1/3 of Amelia's present and 1/2 of Erika's present in the sucking vortex that happens to be the floor of my room....This problem will probably not get solved until I move out permanetely

Christmas: Fabulous...I always love Christmas ...The lights...Poking bobby in the middle of the 11:00 pm candlelight Christmas eve service....Almost getting my figure snapped off for it ...And getting a stern look from mom with a bizzare encoded messege...."Rocks in socks"....Could she be saying Santa might give me coal?

camero : SWEET ... Second cousin Brian took me and bobby for a ride in his camero...This ride may or may not have included an extreme disregard for traffic laws.......

Dennis : Evil ......Erika's cat is not long for this earth .....

New Years: Concordia many might know the concordia group came on over for new years which we made the mistake of playing charades...and the concordia group pulled out a seventeen word play that nobody had heard of .....Causing Susan to get very cranky
and bitter....

New Years Day: Packing....So I may or may not have waited until 8:00 pm to start packing for school......

Lutheran Heritage: THE DEVIL .....Yeah within the first two days a paper is due...Try describing God in six hundred words and see how that goes for you....

All in All that would be the recap of Christmas vacation....Exciting isn't it...god i am so bored......


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