Friday, January 27, 2006

Subliminal messages.......

Well interium is winding down (thank God) and soon I will be relaxing at home for a week....or cleaning my room....for a really long time cuz it is really a mess. ANNNNYYYway. I have three more essay questions to address on my takehome final exam. All and all not a bad run. Not that i am saying I would take Lutheran Heritage for a semester or anything. However for such as dry subject I have to say my prof. made quite a go at making it interesting. For example last night we enjoyed the cinematic masterpiece GroundHogs Day with Bill Murray. Written and produced by the same guys who did Ghostbusters, Stripes and Caddyshack (all personal favorites of mine) it is a great flick, even aside from the fact that Andi Mcdowwell co-stars...and as we all know that Andi Mcdowwell can't act worth a damn and her career has gone no where, the success of this movie is quite a truimph. Well, my prof. made the amazing connection between this movie and basic Lutheran ideologies, I am quite impressed. Alls well that ends well

Moving on

The days are swiftly moving by and we are fast approach my Anti-Valentines day extravaganza. As if you can't tell by the last couple of images attached to my blogs I am embracing this with much anticipation. So it is at this time I would like to bring you back to the days of your to first grade. You know when you used to get those cutesy little valentines in paper bags and it was mandatory for everyone to get everyone else a valentine or not at all. Ahh those were the days. You felt as you have gotten older it has become a popularity contest. A day to mock those rejected....roar. I would just like to contend that this popularity contest really began during those seemingly innocent exchanges in first grade. How you say? what about all that equal "don't hurt feelings" crap? its simple. Subliminal message. A good point and case this lovely little valentine.....

Hello, I'm Batman. When I was just a child, my parents were murdered right in front of my eyes. I made a solemn vow that day to commit my life to fighting crime. I've sacrificed my childhood and any efforts toward personal enjoyment. My nights are spent in deadly combat with everything from common street thugs to grotesque psychopaths. What little sleep I ever get is usually interrupted by horrible nightmares and my waking up soaked in sweat. I fight a war that can never be won. I strive toward a goal that can never be reached. I am haunted. I am relentless. I am tortured.
Won't you be my valentine?

What kind of person gives this card to a child....... hmm...Probably the same people who thought up this little gem.....

First thought: Awwww, what sweet little puppies.Second thought: you just know he's been licking himself with that tongue all day.

Are you starting to see this little trend because the subliminal messages keep coming..... Naked babies, pictures of little kids being forced to kiss here my friends we see that yes indeed the negative karma surrounding this day began loooooonnnnnnggg ago. Don't delude yourself that this holiday really has anything to do with a saint or love. Because it doesn't. Nooooo indeed it is just an excuse to indulge in the seven deadly sins......

Gluttony : all that candy...loads of chocolate and little candy hearts. This holiday is harvest time for dentists.

Sloth: Do you know that in many schools they actually take time away from education to support this holiday. Take a little time off of work for your 'loved one'....bull. If you really had a good relationship with your spouse you would not need to have some dictoral holiday to give you a reason to do something nice like go out to dinner, send flowers or say I love you. This should be done year round.

Lust: this is self-explanatory and for the sake of my mother and her delicate sensibilities concerning my commentary I will say no more, lest i become to um....crude.

Envy: Damn everyone and their valentines..... do people really need a visual to contending to their role as charlie Brown: the unloved awkward child...

Greed: Nooooo, people aren't satisfied with knowing that they have a significant other. They need it shown to them. Flowers, an expensive dinner, maybe some tiffany's jewelry AND a card....or there will be hell to pay.

Pride/Vanity: Thats right ladies and gentleman not only do you have to get a crap load of gifts, you need to parade the fact that you indeed are loved and have a boyfriend or girlfriend...Particularly out in the open where people who don't can see you

Wrath: AHhh yes my favorite....all of these other little sins build to wrath....My reaction to all of those snot-nosed little love birds out there who insist upon telling me every little detail of their happiness. meet the broud side of my louieville slugger.

Well that about does it for this little rant session....again all who disagree ...Bite your comments and leave me rant my bitternss......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Susan, I agree with you! Can I comment to say that you're not alone in this belief? Frankly, I always forget when Valentine's Day is; I've never seen much point in the holiday without the making of cardboard mailboxes. (That was great, back in elementary school.)


1/27/2006 11:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your room's a mess? No!

;) (I miss you.)

And don't worry roomie, we can be bitter, jaded, and alone together. Huzzah.

2/06/2006 4:47 AM  

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