Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Heres to the lazy days of summer

Summer- love it, breath it, live it. Well folks I have settled back into the lazy filled life of summer vacation. ....not having a full time job has aided the transition from the mind numbing vortex of exams to doing absolutely nothing. woot. I did mange to pick up a small part time job at (cue southern voice) Ruth Anne's GOOOOrmet market! yeah i work a whole 6 hours a week...on Saturdays actually. Fun stuff. I make pretty baskets and tie bows....yeee hhaaww. Its sooo much better than the factory let me tell you. But all that aside I have caught up with old friends, slept in (to at least 8:30...sigh ...freaking 8:00 classes and their destructive tendencies) and crossed personally milestones...aka I am now of legal drinking age. Huzzah! I have also spent what seems to be a fortune on Starbucks coffee.....moving on.

So I figure its time that i do one of those "top 20 songs of my summer lists". Apparently this is the "In" thing to do. So here we go....here is a selection of the tunes blaring from my cd player this summer as my mp3 player has inconveniently suffered a major melt down and refuses to work.

1) "Newborn" by Muse
***side note: I have become obsessed with this song ever since I heard it in this rather poorly constructed yet somehow still entertaining French horror movie High Tension. Its a fun slasher movie and its in french....can't really go wrong with that.****
2) "Spin Spin sugar" - Sneaker Pimps
3) "Like a Friend" - Pulp
4) "Possum Kingdom" - Toadies
5) "Paper Thin Walls" - Modest Mouse
6) "Gold Dust Woman"- Hole
7) "Crazy" - Gnarles Barkely
8) "Try (just a little bit harder)" - Janis Joplin
9) "Knock Me Out" - Linda Perry
10) "Spit" - NY loose
11) "One Time Too Many" - PJ Harvey
12) "Walk Away" - Kelly Clarkson
13) "Wonderful Night" - Fatboy Slim
14) "In a Lonely Place"- Bush
15) "I'm afraid of Americans"- David Bowie and the Nine Inch Nails
16) "Bring Me the Disco King" - David Bowie
17) "Hurt" - Johnney Cash cover of Nine Inch Nails
18) "Chop Suey"- System of a Down
19) "Living Dead Girl" - Rob Zombie
20) "Wish you were here"- Pink Floyd

If you don't like any of my personal favorites you can personally kiss my ass because I honestly don't care I like what I like. thank you very much. Anyway yeah ....enjoy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newborn is pretty cool, gotta give you that.

7/02/2006 3:22 PM  

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