Sunday, January 07, 2007

Moscow: life is shit, get used to it.

Well here we go, a blog live from the biggest and most populated city in Russia: Moscow. The city of dreams...or lack there of. Yeah, I think if I had to live in Moscow I would shoot myself within a month, so its probably a good thing that I am only spending two weeks here before moving to a different mind-numbing- final edge of depression- pit of despair....cough ...that would be novsgrad and st. Petersburg. Since my time online is short, and it is rather hard to be particularly witty at 3:30 in the morning (DAMN THE RUSSIANS AND THEIR FREAKING OBSESSION WITH FIREWORKS), I am going to do one of my now standard top ten lists of positive and negative things about Moscow and since I am in one of those "the glass is half full.....That is of poison" moods, lets start with a oh so sunny happy bunny, kitten and fucking rainbows list.

Ten things I love about Moscow:

1) Those russkies know how to make some damn fine coffee and no you assholes that is not a sarcastic remark (its amazing how people tend to immediately assume that I am being sarcastic when I am giving a compliment....I really have no idea why). Anyway Me likee the Coffeee.

2) .................


4) the depressing pictures I have taken of the dirty abandoned playgrounds here will probably win me first place in the St. olaf photo contest- seriously they just LOOOVE povertyesque photos...Actually though I don't think these playground really qualify as poverty stricken as much as they do sad, pathetic and suicidal. No wonder everyone here become an alcoholic at age 6.

5). ......................

6). ........Give me a minute

7) ......Seriously SHUT UP I am trying to think........

8) .....Well I had some nice cheese this morning......

9),....Ooooo I know, the theater really is well done. I saw a fantastic version of Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince that totally transcended the language barrier and Checkov's The Seagull ........See that was a sincere compliment, way to go Russians! a redeeming spark of hope in your otherwise bleak lives.

10) yeah ...that one kind of tapped me out .

The top ten things I despise about Moscow

1) the smelly Russian man who hangs around our hostel, who does not understand that no I really don't speak Russian and no making large hand gestures is not going to help. Furthermore he better understand that he'd better stop touching my food with the same hand he uses to scratch his "happy trail" better yet how about not touching my breakfast at all.

2) fireworks. This topic has been aptly covered see above for details.

3) People who have sex in the hostel shower.

4) People who have sex in the hallway outside of my room

5) people who have sex in the staircase.

6) The policeman and their really scary batons.

7) Crazy old women who work the coat check at the theatre's who simply don't understand that I did not sew my coat and therefore I am not responsible for there not being a loop sewn into the collar.

8) Everything served raw

9). Angry people.

10) Never seeing the sun.

well dearies that about raps this blog up. I am holding up the line. Sorry about not having any fun pics you'll just have to forgive me. Until next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red Square is pretty frickin sweet. And dead Lenin...scary, but cool.
Happy Russian Christmas today (crazy Russians and their weird religious calendar). Hope you can find some food to eat. Most of the stores close early, if they open at all on Rozdestvom (Christmas).

Oh, and the subway is pretty cool.

1/08/2007 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

despite the absence of the sun and the deserted playgrouns and creepy people, i hope you're enjoying russia. i think you could purchase one of those giant black cossack hats and wear it around your freakin cold campus. have fun abroad and think of the warmth of the summer boston dockyards!

- Carolyn

1/11/2007 1:38 AM  

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