Thursday, January 11, 2007

Moscow: the word for Hell in the Russian Language.

Well here is an update on life in Moscow. After several good days getting to know my surroundings, enjoying the fabulous art museums and theatre, etc, I was almost beginning to like Moscow....sort of. But once again bitter irony rules my life. I see you shiver at anticipation ..what went wrong Susan you ask.....

Today was one comedy of errors after another, beginning with me opting to leave my scarf and hat behind as I dress for the theatre. Tonight we were to go to the production of K.I Crime (a story adapted from a character in crime and punishment) which was playing at a theater less than three blocks away....oh how misguided I was. I mean really, I paying for this personal abuse or is it just an extra bonus? First of all- the weather here has taken a turn for the worst. Instead of snowing or I don't know NOT SNOWING, Moscow has decided to become a floodplain. Rain....lots...and lots of rain. So when I stepped out of the hostel I got a face full of water- soaking my beautifully primped hair and making my "oh so stunning makeup job" run. DAMNIT! well from there we walked the three blocks in the rain, avoiding the crazy drivers, large pools of water collecting in the sidewalks and angry bitter Russian pedestrians who apparently, do to some sort of extreme inhuman stoic ability, were completely oblivious to the rain. Anyway we arrived....Barely... at our latest venue only to find out that the play we are supposed to see is actually playing tomorrow- our prof. Accidentally made a mistake and mixed the dates up. yet again... I ask you WHY. It turned out that the play we were supposed to see was three metro stops and two change overs the middle of rush hour on the subway of course. But did that deter our group...sigh sadly enough no. Tell me your group didn't attempt to brave the subway susan under the misguided notion that you would actually make it to the play in time, you say.


...yes yes we did.

We attempted to run, push, and battle our way through hordes of pissed off Russians in the subways. GOOD LORD as Neil diamond would say. Well we were about five minutes late, they locked the doors on us, and there we stood, bruised an battered with no tickets. Could it get an worse you ask. oh yes...yes yes yes it could. ......wait for it. As we stood there soaking wet, the wind picked up. I managed to survive two huge blasts of wind...but third managed to pick my purse from my shoulder (which of course had my money, camera, books, tickets etc) and hurl in straight into one of the lakes forming in the middle of the sidewalk.

..(oh painful silence)


and that is why my dear friends that I know for a fact that Hell does indeed exist and is not merely some town in Michigan. Thats right it is here in Russian and its name is really Moscow.


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