Saturday, November 05, 2005

Some tips for cooking.....

One of these days I am going to learn how to cook. Near mishap today, when I almost burned down our would be little kitchen at CMRS....I was hungry...A little bored...So I got the bright idea to make some Mac and cheese..Now somewhere in my head I had forgotten that Susan can not cook. The history of my cooking abilities dates back to pre-historical ages of putting plastic bowls in microwaves...Leaving plastic spoons in a batch of brownies and then putting it in the oven..Not putting the top on the blender, somehow getting melted marshmallow on the the ceiling of my freshman dorm's lounge....Oh lets us not forget the meatloaf episode where I decided to improvise.....But for some odd reason I forgot entirely about all those incidents and took it upon myself to make lunch....I turned on the stove added salt and butter put the noodles in the pot, put the pot on the stove and covered it....But neglected to put the water in the pot to boil...Yes indeed I left the pot on the stove for five minutes...Baking the noodles to its surface...Just FYI when you do this you actually have to get rid of the pot....Luckily nobody was in the kitchen at the time to witness my little mishap...I just have to make sure to maintain a sense of composure when people start asking where that damn pot went........


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