Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Reflections of a Gemini

Today my stained glass teacher, Mrs. Fenely said that the stars were not in the correct alinement to do stained glass. See this woman is an artist who used to be a librarian who used to be an astrologer who used to be a chemist, as well as being a bit daft at times, she makes the most bizzare comments, which are always fun to interpret. I am going to be starting the fenely quote of the day on my blog because they are so brilliant. For example a great fenely quote would be "I absolutely love jesuits (as in the priest), I used to collect them but I haven't for quite awhile" or the classic "I said to Dr. Fenely (her husbend)..'Dr Fenely why couldn't we just build a giant freezer and freeze the polar ice caps, that would stop them from melting, and then Dr. Fenely said 'But dear what do you think refridgerators run on' " I tell you the two of them make quite a pair. But I digress.....So back to astrology...we tend to get alot of comments such as "oh jason (the one and only guy in the class) you're a libra won't cut (the glass) well" ..I was curious today what exactly went on in my sign since there is everything from natural element to colors attached with sign is are the results....

My ruling planet is Mercury.

The color of choice for Mercury in Gemini is GREEN

Positive Traits: adaptable, versatile, intellectual, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent, youthful, lively, talkative, amusing, witty and logical.

Negative Traits: changeable, restless, inquisitive, inconsistent, superficial, cunning, nervous, tense

Novelty and the unusual
Variety in life
Multiple projects all going at once

feeling tied down
Institutionalized learning
Being in a rut
mental inaction

Spiritual Goal: To learn how to cooperate
Spiritual Correspondence: The Thrones
Apostle: James the Younger
Prophet: Zecharia
Anatomy: Rules the arms, shoulders, lungs and nervous system
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Lovers. The Lovers is indicative of a choice between vice and virtue...good and evil. It is also associated with temptation and the beginning of romance.
Associated Countries: United States of America, Switzerland and Wales
Associated Cities: London, Melbourne and San Francisco
Watchword: Versatility
Keynote: Variety
Physical Manifestation: Expansion or Contraction Mental Manifestation: Joy or Sorrow
Motto: My Thoughts Are Winged
Quote: I Think

Also known as the Sign of the Artist or Inventor, Gemini is Positive in polarity (as are Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). However, Positive Signs rarely display the same levels of sensitivity or the same depth of understanding of emotional subtleties as do their Negative counterparts. Positive Signs tend to crave excitement and thus, are inclined to direct their energies outward into the world around them. Gemini is the Third Sign of the Zodiac, associated with storytellers, communicators and youth. This Sign is symbolized by Twins who are, in and of themselves, their own representatives since no particular animal appears to be associated to this Sign of the Zodiac, with the possible exception of the wolf and its connection to the nurturing of Romulus and Remus, mythologic founders of Rome. In Egypt, Gemini was once known as the "Two Stars," named for Castor and Pollux which are the two brightest celestial bodies within the constellation. These stars have also been formerly referred to as "Hercules and Apollo," and "Triptolemus and Iasion." The Egyptians were inclined to illustrate Gemini by using the images of two baby goats as opposed to the human figures which are commonly used in modern times. Dominated by the planet Mercury, the planet of speed, Gemini individuals have a joy of expression, a quick mind and a certain sparkle which will always help them toward their goals in life. Gemini subjects are the Zodiac's lovers of language...the poets, the bards and the wordsmiths and verbal magicians. Those born under the Sign of Here, the inherent intellectual gifts often bring great success with no true effort, but Gemini natives are usually hard put to sustain it. Thus, these individuals should strive to learn perseverence and cultivate depth. They need to aspire to substance as well as style, attempting to take themselves...and their words...more seriously.

The Gemini female is the symbol of a modern intelligent woman who questions every convention and tradition. She is fun to know, although sometimes difficult to pin down. This woman's view of life is rather original. Her mental qualities are first class, but she possesses a "light touch" and is never boring. She will tend to flit from one topic to another during the course of a conversation, which most people find entertaining and amusing. Indeed, it is in such a manner that the women of this Sign find the greatest delight during social occasions. However, this female will never impose her views upon others, no matter how forthright those opinions might be. The Gemini woman is friendly and easy to approach, but not necessarily interested in a long-term romantic relationship. The passionate and receptive side to females governed by Gemini can turn abruptly distant at times

Now the real question becomes does any of this stuff apply to me ..There was alot more on the site i checked...If anyone else is now interested about their sign and the meaning behind it ...go to


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