Monday, October 31, 2005

Emotional distress over Relationship problems

I actually made it to breakfast this morning, which only lasts for one hour by the way 8-9 brutal...even worse was the coffee was lighter in color than the tea. One, to get up in the morning was hard enough but to not have a decent cup of coffee is a tragedy to all mankind. I NEED coffee in the morning. So what is my only option .....STARBUCKs....starbucks and I have had a long drawn out hate love relationship...we went steady for awhile but then it began cheating on me with other types of non-caffeinated drinks like strawberry and creme non-coffee frappicinos and *shudder* high protein vegetable drinks...i was forced to break off the relationship. I went into a filtered decafe depression...drinking any available coffee i could find....foldgers....maxwell house....even...*chokes out with great emotional shame * ...the walmart brand coffee that instantly desolves in water...I became nothing but a cheap coffee slut prostituting myself to any cup with the scent of java attached to it, I didn't care about quality only quantity...I nearly forgot the rich flavorful aroma of a well made cup of french pressed espresso.....It took me a long time to recover...I began to casually see independent coffee houses and soon I could say that I was completely reformed ..well with all this emotional turmoil to be forced go back to starbucks...a corporate bastard with some of the strongest coffee around....I have hit my low....I may just go back into the vicious cycle that I was caught in for so long.....the worse part is, it isn't just one starbucks...oh no is two...there are two starbuck on one block....and as some would say this is the end of the universe.....I am going to try to stay strong ...who knows maybe it will work out this time...Maybe i won't be so disappointed....afterall ...TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY...I WILLL NEVER DRINK CHEAP FACTORY MADE FILTERED COFFE AGAIN!


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